Hello everyone. So after another course of steroids the pain came back (well half way through the 2 week course). The GP didn't want to put me on them again as they don't get rid of the pain, and as...
Ok. Thank you everyone. The GP had said to come back in a week for a review so he may lengthen the course. Just a question about flaring, I had a 'normal' sized meal, no dairy as I am intolerant, and...
Thank you! I just don't react well to the steroid, I get really angry and emotional, I hope it all settles down soon!...
its prednisolone. Unfortunately here in the UK you generally don't get a choice of specialist. The gastro who prescribed the first course I saw in the ER as that's where my GP sent me, not my normal...
Just a quick question, you all seem to be on oral steroids for a very long time. Is this normal? I was in hospital last week with a flare up (bad cramping, blood, not eating etc) and they gave me...
I can only say as a newby to this condition too, do not stop the meds! I did after I first went into remission (july) and am in a bad flare up already (treated with steroids and antispasmodics for...
OK so the GP confirmed the course of steroids wasn't enough. So after a lot of consulting he has given me 30mg of the same one (begins with P) for another week. I am continuing with oral and...
Right, i suppose i better get sorted then! i still have some buscopan (anti spasmodic) and some asacol oral (400mg) so i have started taking what i have left (they said one week but gave me a bit...
Hello everyone, I was diagnosed with ulcerative proctosigmoidosis in June this year. I have been taking asacol (250mg) three times a day since then. As bad as it sounds following diagnosis i went...
Yes sorry I meant intolerance, force of habit writing allergy. It was just a generic brand from the hospital box it came in. So if I bring these concerns up with the consultant there may be...
Hello everyone, I was rushed to A&E a few months back due to sever rectal bleeding (i was going into shock) and after a long process of referals and a colonoscopy, i am still waiting for my...
Ok then, i shall give them a call today and see what they say. Thank you for the help!...
Thats what he has started to say before stopping himself and saying he would wait for a diagnosis. Today is particularly bad as the foam seems to have aggrivated something (passing large black blood...
Hello everyone, After passing large ammount over blood over the past 6 months i was rushed through to the hospital and after seeing a consultant today he susspects i either have chron's (sp?) or UC....