I use Rowasa once in a while but i really found it to not be very effective. It is more uncomfortable than anything. Right now I am just trying to eat right and not be stressed and I take 2100MG of...
I have had proctitis for many years now, it largely remained in remission, but I am beginning to notice it starts to act up when I eat pizza, tomato's, lemons and so on. I have been taking turmeric...
I had my colonoscopy done, I've had proctitis since I was 15, but I have been having so much pain in my right abdomen that my GI thinks it may be Chron's, my appointment with them is not until June...
I have been on Rowasa for 13 days, I went from severe bleeding to fully formed stools and no blood, but I wonder, when should I stop the medication? Should I run through all 28 and then stop or do...
For my cramps, if it is caused by bloating from any food I ate or the meds, I eat lemons, it naturally gets rid of gas and bloating....
I have also gone gluten free, I am also not eating anything made with any kind of flower, no bread, pizza, I also am avoiding potato's and my symptoms have gone away, but I am also using Rowasa. I...
My doctor who did my colonoscopy doesn't believe in Gluten free, she says it does nothing, but if it does I wont be in her office much will I? $$ lol...
I originally went into the ER with large amounts of blood and very bad cramps, after a colonoscopy I was put on Rowasa once a day. I have noticed that there is no to little blood in my stool, but I...
Sorry to hear about all of your losses, this flare up is traumatizing me, I fear I will go the route she did and go through what she did, UC is scary....
She was having a flare up, went in and eventually had a perforation of the bowl which caused free air to release into her body, she was blowing up, eventually because they could not stop what was...
That's what I thought, my mom had UC bad, my uncle too, and me proctitis so when she said chron's I thought to myself that it doesn't sound right because no-one I know in my family on either side had...
Thanks for the response, I thought Chron's ran in families, my mother had UC and died from it, but I know of noone who has chron's in my family tree, alot of my family has UC though. That doctor has...
I recently went into for my results of the colonoscopy, she said the biopsies showed chronic inflammation, no cancer etc... When she asked if i had any pain, i showed her my lower right abdomen, she...
I very much believe in prayer, I believe the mind has total control over what happens in the body, too. Since I have become very much in tune with god, my colitis has toned down....
Thanks for the responses, I have had to force myself to eat, I have lost about 15 lbs this month, I guess on the positive side I will be in shape for summer!...
Is it normal during a flare up like I am having to lose your appetite? I have not eaten hardly anything in 4 days. I'm not even hungry....
I am waiting on my results (the 8th of April for my appointment) from my colonoscopy, I have tired prednizone, Cortisone shots, canasa suppositories and nothing seems to be stopping the flare up. I...
Does anyone here smoke marijuana to help with their colitis? How does it work for you if you do?...
Yep, Smoking marijuana and cigarettes (I want to give cigg up). Seems to be better today, I am trying gluten free, sticking to Veg, Fruit and Meat. I did have a few Cheeze-its though ( I feel guilty...
I am disabled (Mental illness), but I attend school to be a therapist (Go figure) when I am not sick ....
I am new here, I have been bleeding for about 2 months and it has not stopped. I have not had a falre up in about 6 years (Since i started to smoke pot), About 2 weeks ago I went to the bathroom and...