Yes I am. Ultimate Flora + 2 more. Thanks...
Have you consulted the druggist at the pharm about the side effects ? I would . I also agree to contact the doc's office . Jim...
Thanks Sherry for your reply . I think Keflex has been detrimental to my condition in the past . Hope I skate by this time . Jim...
Recently I had to take a round of antibiotics . It was Cephalexin (generic for Keflex ) . It hasn't been a real problem yet , I'm on day seven of seven . I am wondering what antibiotics you think...
soystud : I was not trying to offend anyone ! I was only commenting on an ongoing (when I posted ) post . Farmer Jim...
As to "This post is from 2009! that's crazy :)" ............ I didn't refresh this post , someone else did . Farmer Jim...
Don't wait to be offered it ! I wasn't offered it either . I researched and decided to try it and then found a doctor who thinks a patient should have a voice in his/her treatment ! I told him what I...
Katie , run like fast from your GI doc. Farmer Jim...
After spending thousands and thousands on drugs pushed by the drug rep's on my "specialist" GI doctor that weren't working anyway I decided to do my own research . I then decided to try Sulfazine or...
I noticed results within 1 week and have never had a flare of any significance since! Hope it works for you ! You are taking either EC or DR right ? It does seem to make a difference with me . Jim...
If you will download the newest "Chrome" browser it will translate this or hundreds of other languages to English . It will ask you after you open the link at the top of the page if you want it...
When I first was diagnosed during a terrible flare , I was hospitalized for a week . The specialist put me on Lialda for over a year . I had no drug coverage and was paying about $600 a month out of...