Hello! So I am so excited after 3 days I decided to report! :tongue: As mentioned in another post I bought 10% CBD oil in 10ml bottle that has 1000mg of CBD - that means 10mg CBD per drop. I bought...
Hello! So I am so excited after 3 days I decided to report! :tongue: As mentioned I bought 10% CBD oil in 10ml bottle that has 1000mg of CBD - that means 10mg CBD per drop. I bought it at a local...
Yes, but the rectum was quite infected also and then nothing, and then on areas around....its hard to describe, that is what also confused doctors......
Oh sorry, and one more information. They thought I have Eozifil Colitis, but at the last coloniskopy they rulled it out....
I have i inflammation on different parts but only localy, the most attacked are lowest and upper part of Diugestive system....
Hello, I had 4 colonoskopys in last 2 years. Tissues were sent to analasys. They cant determain what i have because symptoms (inflamation) is on different parts of which can be both chrons or UC....
Hello! For the last few years I am in and out of the hospitals. Doctors are trying to figure out what is wrong with me, but I never got a confirmed diagnosis. All of the signs are pointing to...