Wow! Lucky us!...
Thank you John very much for your reply. Can arthritis like this happen even if I am in remission ?...
Hello, After much protest, VSL #3, strict Paleo diet, acupuncture, very expensive wholistic doctors etc, I gave in and started taking Humira about a year and 4 months go. My UC is in complete...
Okay.. even if I am stilll doing really well and in remission? You think I could be already developing antibodies after 5 months?...
Ok thanks so much...
Hello- Just wondering for those of you that have tried Humira...did you experience and joint pain? I have been on it for about 5 months. It is working wonderfully, but lately (the past week) I am...
Thank you guys! Hopefully after my next injection. Fingers crossed!...
Hello- just curious for those of you who have tried Humira... how long did it take to see results? I just had my 3rd injection, (4.5 weeks in). I am a little worried. I'm not feeling a whole lot...
Thank you everyone for your responses. It's so nice to hear that other people are thriving and doing well on Remicade! I am meeting on Friday with my doc so I am sure we will talk logistics then....
Hello all, Sadly it has come to this for me. I have tried everything. I have been so stick with my SCD/Paleo diet. Maximum dose of VSL#3, accupunture you name it! I just had a colonoscopy on Friday...
Notsosicklygirl, I just realized what sepsis is. I am so sorry that happened to you! Did you have a full recovery after this?...
Hello TotesMagotes, I am 15 weeks pregnant and in a terrible flare. I have read that you started Remicade while 30 weeks pregnant. I would love to chat with you. Is there a way to have a private chat...
Thank you notsosicklygirl!...
Thank you ipoop! I just wish they had stats for us like they do for the lymphoma and other cancers. Numbers help with the big picture!...
Yep it actually mentions in right in the insert for Remicade...
Hello all, I have a few questions regarding Remicade. If I wasn't currently pregnant, I am pretty sure I would be starting it by now. I am currently on the max dose of Asacol and doing cort enemas...
Sorry I meant to include my signature. Thanks backinthesaddle for the kind words!...
Hello All, Any moms out there who have had this experience? I was in remission during my last pregnancy and was hoping that was going to happen again, but I guess not! I am going anywhere from 5-10...
Thanks garylouisville. I should clarify, my arm is probably more achy than numb. Also, it comes and goes. Its not painful by any means, just annoying....
Hello All, I was wondering if anyone experienced numbness or tingling in their arm after the taper of prednisone? I just finished my last pill yesterday and my left arm today feels like it wants to...
Thanks iPoop! I have a question...I see you are on Remicade. Do you like it? How long have you been on it? Do all these maintenance drugs continue while on Remi? Thanks again! Sometimes a j-pouch...
Okay thanks again everyone. I have never stopped taking asacol, but was told from my GI doc to monitor how many pills I take depending on my symptoms. I also was told to take the rectal's on a...
Thanks garylousville. Yes, I updated my signature after my first post. I take the max dose of asacol. I guess I should go back to the rectals also....
Okay I will have to talk with my GI then. I am eating extremely clean. I follow the SCD diet, which means I eat no sugar (or sugar substitutes) or grains, or starches. I already take curcumin. I am...
So I have to say I have never felt so great as I did on 40mg and 35mg of prednisone. I have had extra energy and only going to the bathroom 1 to 2 times per day and it's been a dream just to function...
Hello Ladies, Just reading this thread because I am in a similar situation. I am currently on pred and feeling great, but there is talk of remicade after this. I am a mom of 2 boys and would really...
Thanks everyone for the responses. I saw my doc today and she had me leave stool samples because she thinks that there might be some kind of infection or parasite? Like I said my stomach is tender to...
It's been a while since I've been on here. I am in a flare again and I am tired of going to the bathroom 10+ times per day. I am exhausted and weak and now have stomach pain on my left side. It's...
Thank you! I will try that for sure! I am just so bummed because if it is the mesalamine meds than I dread what I will look like in the future. I heard the remicade and imuran can do the same thing👺...
Yes I have had everything checked. All blood work came back normal...
Thanks everyone for your responses. It sounds like I will see my thick hair back again one day. I am so thankful for for this website! It means a lot to hear from other people who have gone through...
I am glad to hear that notsosicklygirl's hair grew back! I hope that happens to me too...
Thanks everyone. Yes I would say I have been sick on and off, but at the most 3 to 4 bm a day (when I am in a flare). At the time I started losing hair I was not in a flare. I actually had not felt...
Hello All, I know other people have posted about this and it seems to be an ongoing debate, but I am experiencing a lot of hair loss lately (for the last 3 months). I was on Celexa for anxiety and...
Thanks everyone for your input! I am going to give it a try. I guess I have nothing to lose! (But delishious foods that I enjoy) 😪 Wouldn't it be awesome if we could really control this disease with...
Yes thank you for sharing! Do you also find that red meat affects you negatively? I know the SCD diet does not make mention of any meant preferences. Red meat is not good for me....
Hello all, I am curious as to what people think about the SCD (specific carbohydrate diet) and if it helps with UC? I know it's a big commitment and takes a lot of discipline, but I would be willing...