Hi IndyCat, my husband is currently on week 9 of Entyvio. He really felt an up swing on the last loading dose, the day after thanksgiving, a really good 7 days. He didnt have much of an improvement...
shibby22 what medication did your doctor put you on in stead of Entyvio?...
it's complicated.... following....
glad to hear so many positives! Hope you all keep healing! Take care, and keep updating! =)...
This has been by far the longest wait time to get started on a new medication...3 weeks to finally get word that Justin is ALMOST scheduled to get his first loading dose. Hopefully we will have...
Hi Pink1, Thanks for the information, currently we have met our out of pocket max, but I'm sure I will be looking into the patient assistance program the beginning of the year! Hope Entyvio is...
Thanks. We didn't really push trying to have another GI in his office approve it, nor did the front desk really offer, we probably should have. Just happy to get started on the process to get it....
a little back ground: Husband (Justin, 34yr male) unfortunate picked up cryptosporidium parasite from hot tub in October 2011, similar symptoms as UC, never seemed to get better. Finally got referred...
Alright folks, I have decided it is time to start sharing our stories with Entyvio. Hope this helps somebody out there. My Husband's GI (Lattimore, Lakewood, CO) finally got back to work from...
what are your out of pocket costs for medication?...
Thanks Katmom for the response! We are waiting patiently to hear back from the Doctor who was on vacation last week, about giving Entyvio a try. My husband has failed, Humira, Simponi with Imuran. He...
my husband tested positive for a parasite from a hot tub (Cryptosporidium) in October 2011. Battled UC like symptoms for months thinking it had to do with the Cryptosporidium. Finally went to a GI,...
Hi Katmom, I have been searching the forum about Entyvio and have been reading through all of your threads. I really appreciate the time you have taken to post on this site, it is very helpful! I...