Symptoms got so overwhelming I ended up in hospital for a week...had IV hydrocortosine drips which have totally settled me right down. Two days out of hospital and my toilet is now just diarrhoea so...
No, only person in family no-one with IBS or IBD......
Good to hear :cool: for how long ? No not at all I've been taking all my medication, I've had my steroids put back up and been given anti-sickness tablets along with my other meds... Ah didn't know I...
Thanks for the info everyone :-) are you in remission iPoop ? My symptoms have worsened again, I was nightshift last night and was totally gubbed. No energy, more urgency in trips to toilet,...
Currently on a flare-up and I cope better with green tea no milk than I did with normal tea with milk but everyone is different....
Has anyone been on Azathioprine ? I'm a bit concerned about the side-effects/possible complications, what has peoples experience been on it has it worked for you ? I'm suffering badly with the pains,...
Hi all, new to the forum so bare with me please :smile: My name is Paul I'm from Scotland and I'm a fit and healthy 25 year old or at least I thought I was ! It all started in December of 2013 I...