Hi I was awake at night with a severe burning abdo pain top left ish that radiated to my back! I have never felt like this before with my UC symptoms. So I instinctively went to the washroom but I...
Maybe he was taking OTC NSAIDs for his arthritis (many do) which cause GI irrtiation as a side effect and perhaps triggered a flare?...
the western diet and weak genes...
when i was flaring i had SEVERE left lower quad pain that I fell over on the ground... it built up over few months but i ignored it and it just got worse did your pain come out of nowhere?...
By the way, I honestly feel there is a cure to every single disease on the earth. We just have to find it :) Here is an interesting piece on MS (also autoimmune disease) and a new treatment idea...
when my family doctor tried to tell me I have celiacs disease, I asked "how is that possible when I was never like this before, shouldnt I have been like this as a kid?" His response "Your small...
Be careful when changing positions (lying to sitting, sitting to standing) Avoid quick changes in movements (left me dizzy for 5 minutes cuz of the mezavant) Also, drinking lots of water may help...
Hi, I have been taking lialda for 1 year now and I experienced hair loss due to the medication (a few months after taking it) it stopped and my hair started growing back. It was not until I started...
When I went to my regular doctor he told me I had celiac disease....literally after 5 minutes of speaking to me. No tests, assessments NOTHING. Ask for a referral to GI specialist...
@soccerluv So nice to see how proactive u are in the care of your daughter and her diagnosis. :) For me, diet was and is a huge factor (among other things) with regard to flares. Once I started to...
@Sephora Whilst in nursing school I flared twice - the two times I flared was during beginning of the semester, which didnt interfere with exams and clinicals too much. I didnt know much about the...
I spoke to my GI and he said that its ok to taper and see how I feel. He told me to decrease from 4 tabs to 2 and I feel a lot better with regard to the headaches (pounding near the back) and anxiety...
Congrats Sephora! I recently graduated and have my license for Registered Nursing. I am interviewing currently...I hope this disease does not control my life either....
When you say switched, did you stop the colozal cold turkey? My GI specialist told me to stop the Lialda completely and not taper and see how I feel in 1 week or 2 and would switch me to Asacol if...
Thanks for the comment, I lost chunks of hair around the edges after a few months on Lialda, then it stopped. Few months later it started to grow in again. Now its falling out so much a year later!...
Wow, Fascinating. Had no idea people took this medication with no side effects whatsoever. Pretty sure that many of the side effects are due to the medication because I've flared before without...
Hi Quincy, Thank you! This has been my first time ever taking medication, so when I got the prescription I thought 1 tab/4X a day. I had been doing that for about 6 months, then I realized it was...
Hi New to the forum - just was wondering about the medication mezavant/lialda When people write on the forum "I experienced virtually no symptoms" what does that mean exactly? I have been on this...
Hi First post. Diagnosed Dec 2014, symptomatic since Dec 2010 All the flares occurred due to poor eating...seriously. Like at one time eating too much of the same type of food..(i.e. cookies, pizza,...