Just came across this fairly old thread and thought I should chime in. Strangely, I've recently discovered that eggs actually help me recover from symptoms. I realized last year that eating a...
I definitely wouldn't be surprised if this were related to inflammation. Since my first flare, I've dealt with arthritis in two joints (not present before the first flare), ulcers in the mouth, and a...
Thanks for pointing me in the direction of telogen effluvium hair loss. Reading about it was surprisingly encouraging, as it basically said that once the body has recovered from whichever shock...
So glad to hear that it stopped! I've decided to go ahead and order the biotin. I'll post an update in a couple months or so if the biotin seems to help....
I realize that this topic has been widely discussed here and elsewhere, but I'm hoping to ask some questions I couldn't find answers to. I'm a 37-year old male. I was diagnosed with left-sided UC...