Hmm quite concerning. Although my diagnosis was changed to indeterminate colitis as it doesn't present the classic signs so I would not be surprised if that is the case. I have always had...
Over the last couple of months I noticed a some small black/purple patches on my feet which were slightly tender. My GP said told me it was Vasculitis which is strange as it is not commonly thought...
Hi, I've was diagnosed with pancolitis in 2013 and recently started university after a year out due to my UC. However, I am currently in a mild flare and am really struggling with predominantly the...
I talked to my NHS gastroenterologist on monday and she said they weren't offering to anyone at the moment because they aren't convinced of its usefulness for UC patients. I didn't push her further...
I've been on imuran since December and has got rid of all my symptoms, just a bit of bloating left, but I'm pretty sure all my inflammation has gone. I was worried, with all the side effects that...
Yeah sounds like a good plan. I'll continue with the diet and add probiotics for a few more weeks and see if anything changes. I'm pretty sure I haven't got any inflammation left (no d, blood or pain...
Appreciate the replies, cheers, Conquer UC, The foods i've listed are all I'm eating at the moment. I don't believe I am constipated (1-3 formed BMs per day). Thanks for the link, I will bring those...
Just one banana a day. Did you cut rice out of your diet as well. I'm wondering if the rice is tthe thing thats getting to me (I eat a lot of it everyday)...
Despite achieving remission in terms of blood and d on Imuran, I've been really bloated for about a year now. My gastroenterologist referred me to a dietician who specializes in FODMAP. But after...
Just putting this out there for unawares. One of my favourite sportsmen who plays for my team and also has UC. He has just made his comeback after a few years out because of a severe form of the...
I'm 19, just recently diagnosed (July) and still flaring. I'm supposed to be in the gym lifting for rugby preseason but my UC has prevented that. I've had to adapt during this flare to playing golf...
I'm 4.8g of Asacol a day in the form of 12 tabs and now and then I see a whole one in my stool. My doc said not to worry as long as its not everyday. If it's really frequent you should bring it up...
I'm going to be starting Imuran in a week or so and I wanted to be sure my GI is ordering the right types of blood tests. I've heard some horror stories about some important indicators being missed...
Thanks for the replies guys, really appreciate it. I think I'll mention enemas to my GI and see what response I get. If I do end up taking the Imuran route, do you think I could get away with letting...
Hi, first post in the forum, been a lurker for a while So I was diagnosed in July with mild patchy colitis affecting my entire colon. I never really got severe symptoms: At most using bathroom 5...