CCinPA, I agree, blood is always the last thing to go away. I was doing very well for 4 days then I got small streaks of blood and now my BMs are increasing though nothing in my diet or supplements...
WorriedUCer, hah, I'm the same way. I go to extreme measures and take anything I can during even the slightest sign of a flare in an attempt to stop it before it gets worse. So far, I've been doing...
Hi there, I would say I was getting incrementally better already; I had started taking psyllium seed powder and noticed it helped solidify my stools and limit BMs. After two days of nopal consisting...
Hello, I recently started taking nopal water as well; I essentially followed the same method of cutting up the nopal and letting it soak in water over night. I also added some chia seeds to it. Its...
Hello all, Intro: I have been reading these forums for some time now and figured I would sign up and share my story. I was diagnosed with colitis during March of 2009 when I suddenly began having...