Hi :) So maybe a year ago I made the decision to be open and unapologetic about my disease. But I do not go around starting conversations about it or brining it up randomly just to talk about it. But...
They probably won't in fact. Most surgeons don't seem to have a clue what life with a j-pouch is really like. My stoma nurse knew a lot more than my surgeon did. I'm not trying to scare anybody or...
Genuinely am sorry surgery didn't work out for you but you seem like your trying to bring others down just bc this didn't work out for you. I am open to hearing the negative outcomes of surgery...
Yea thats why I was open to positive and negative stories regarding the surgery. But another thing to consider is a lot of people who have succeeded with the surgery are probably less likely to post...
Hi there! Another positive story I am so happy to hear :) I am glad to there is no "I gotta go right now" moments, i think without that I would be able to handle 4-6 bowel movements a day just fine....
Hi! wow that all sounds really great. And you have 4 kids while dealing with all that? your amazing! I love hearing you can travel especially because I always dream about that but it seemed...
hi! a half hour? that literally sounds like a dream lol. That is amazing though I am so glad your doing well. This gives me peace of mind that I will not have to worry about accidents all the time...
16 years! wow that great so happy to hear that:) gives me hope- thanks so much for your reply!...
Hi, I have been tested for infections at the er recently and they found nothing and am currently doing the rectal enemas but never sure I'm doing them right because I usually empty it out 1 minute...
Thats amazing, I'm so happy to hear that. It is stories like this that make me think the j-pouch surgery is right for me. I think being drug free is also an important aspect i need to consider...
Hello! I am desperately looking for some advice and help on debating a J-Pouch surgery. I am 19 year old female who is currently not able to work or attend college because my ulcerative colitis has...