I still have a couple yrs. but i needed to update my budget account now for Px $ during retirement since i've heard how expensive humira is. thank you everyone jeff...
I may need to go on humira soon. I'm wondering how much it will cost me during retirement through Medicare so I can budget for it. Can anybody help me out? Thanks, Jeff...
WOW, THANKS FOR INFO DEACON!!! I was afraid I'd get info like this. I just informed my dr. about this website and blog I will print this and thank you...
Been UC patient 30 yrs. been on imuran for last 10yrs and got my life back. It did take 3 steriod cycles along with it over a 2.5yr period. Just got told by my dr. that i have a choice to go on...
You know that will be my first ? What the hell is it because it's not a polyp,active colitis, and not cancer. Nurse said inactive colitis everything normal. WHAT! As you can see it's been since 2008...
Got a simple question. How long has the J-Pouch surgery option been utilized? I'm concerned with the experience aspect the possible Surgeon may have....
That's for response. No cancer. Thank God! waited 2 weeks. Another scope scheduled. I'm going to start a new thread though and schedule a consultation with my Dr. before next scope. A "WHAT IF"...
Zombie try some Xanex...
Zombie hang in there. After 18yrs. of suffering I took the steroid plunge 3 12 week cycles in a 2 1/2 year period along with Imuran and life returned and has been for a good 6yrs out of the last 8. I...
Have you tried Imuran along with your prednisone cycle. It immediately helped me but then flared up in about a years time but back on another cycle with both and have been normal 6 of last 8yrs. This...
Thanks Db, that's pretty much the way I see it. 30yrs. and I feared this moment...
Have been feeling normal for over 4yrs. now and last Friday Dr. did 2nd scope in 3 mths. to check out a spot located at splenic flexure 60-65 centimeters and waiting on biopsy results. I've had this...
i got my uc in 1988 immediately after taking motrin for the first time ever. had knee pain noticed blood in stool and the next week i tore my patella ligament. 88 was a tough year!...
A BIG THANK YOU TO JAMES, KELLY, AND DISCO. I just got back from a workout, had to escape this anxiety rush, so this reply is late. I plan on printing out as much info or comments as needed so I'm...
Thank you Gardenerjames!! I knew it wasn't going to be cheap. I noticed your on your 12th. Does your insurance cover it? I'm still in a the shock stage cause i only found out about my insurance...
/community/emoticons/mad.gif I just found out my united health care insurance does not cover remicade. Does anybody know anything about the cost i'm about to inherit? April 14th I get another scope...
have an energy bar about an hour before workout (cliff). To help you get it on I suggest mixing your propel drink with diet mountain dew. begin drinking as you go to workout and finish off the quart...