I thought the very same thing before my diagnosis but I wasn't diagnosed until my mid-50's. ;) But I don't consider that old age no matter how run down I feel LOL. I was surprised to learn that...
Once this flare is over, you can try and add stuff back in to your diet-just do it slow, and don't change too many things at once. Speaking for myself, gumbo spicy hot (sorry!) does me in, but Korean...
Oh my! I was flaring at work really badly, horrible gas of course. The bathrooms are single which is nice but right on the hallway. Tried to run water to cover up the noise but apparently it didn't...
You as well :)...
Hello mosheen, just wanted to add my support (long time lurker, first time posting). I had proctitus for the past two years but it recently accelerated into full blown pan colitis. I had to deal with...