Thanks guys i am excited to start remicade. Let's hope it works and i can go into remission....
Does anyone who is on remicade have any tips or any thoughts for me to get ready. My first infusion is next thursday. I'm excited but nervous. What do i need to do to get ready....
While in a flare I find that bacon doesnt do anything to me and actually doesnt make me use the bathroom every 10 minutes. My gi cant believe that the fatty greasy bacon doesnt affect me. I actually...
I've been in a flare for 6 weeks now and its been horrible. Blood has stopped for most part. I am now to the phase where when i have a bm i am throwing up aswell. Really only first thing in the...
Anyways as far as the op and question at hand, if you have any blood be sure to make your gi aware. Could be something small like inflammation, or could be the start of something worse. I went...
Who is one to say someone's symptoms are not horrific. That Is a horrible thing to say to someone. This while disease if horrific and treats everyone different. Being an elite member you would think...
Vaping is indeed way safer than smoking. Tons of research has been studied on vaping. Pg , vg and natural flavorings and nicotine is whats in alot of juices. I ran a vape shop for 2 years and...
Well as far as work out my latest flare has made me drop 50 lbs in 1 month and 1 week. I was 256 and now im between 208 and 212. This weightless has put a huge strain on my body. I am so incredibly...
Sulfasalazine worked for me for 3 months then my body got used to it. My gi said its a starting medicine. Now im going to remicade after 2 other failed drugs....
My diet has been completely changed. No fried food of any sorts, only baked chicken, fish. My wife has been a huge help. It was bad enough they admitted me to the hospital for 4 days. This is my...
Notsosicklygirl what trade offs are you referring to as far as the surgery. With the pouch can you go back to eating normally. I'm about to that point and just saying screw it....
So what does this isatis cooling do? Cant really find a good write up for it. Thanks...
What is this isatis cooling?...
I believe we have all been there with the crapping our pants. I cant stand the feeling of a sudden bathroom trip and not being able to find a bathroom. I started laughing to myself and saying well...
So who here is on remicade and has had it work. How long did you take it till everything was back to normal as far as bathroom trips and normal bowel movements....
I thought short term disability was just if you had insurance....
I have been looking at attornies for this. Work told me they could place me in a different department. I would go from 17 an hour down to 8 an hour. I would go from full time to barely 25 hours a...
I havent been able to gain or loose weight for 5 years so its been rough to get down to 213. Been scary as hell. This has been rough. My work is now telling me that they may have to find a...
Im new here. Had uc symptoms for 2 years and finally went to dr. Got diagnosed 6 months ago. Tried a few different medicines and nothing worked. Finally got out on Lialda and it worked for 3 months....