I have an appointment for the sigmoidoscopy on October 2 (I hate waiting so long!). From what I have learned on this site, I won't be put completely out for the procedure; does that mean I will be...
I am definitely not ready to consider the more heavy duty drugs at this point. Since my diagnosis, I have mostly felt good with very little in the way of symptoms, other than the sporadic bleeding....
More of the same today. I had a small, but very loose bm with blood and mucus in it. Thick, jelly-like blood and who-knows-what-else on the paper. My GI wants me to make an appointment for a...
Thanks for the information and advice, everyone. I would just like to take as little Prednisone as possible. I want to make sure it works if/when I REALLY need it. I have also been told that it's...
More of the same this morning. Two well-formed BMs with blood on and in the stool. Once again, a small "chunk" of looser stool with what seems like a fair amount of blood - wine-colored, but bright...
Like you, I am assuming that I am more likely flaring (although mildly), despite some symptoms which may point toward hemmies. No, I don't have a problem with hard stools....
The colonoscopy and biopsy indicated inflammatoin up to the sigmoid (so Proctosignmoiditis, right?) My GI doesn't really distinguish between that and left-sided Colitis....
So you would say that I am improving overall? It is so difficult for me to form an opinion; I just see the up and down cycle with the blood. He did do an in-office check. He said that he felt lumps...
I've been on the enemas since I was first diagnosed. For a while during the summer, I had tapered down to once every three days, but I've been taking then nightly again for the past month....
I'm feeling discouraged and just need some advice. I was diagnosed with left-sided UC in early February. After my initial flareup, I feel like I have been very close to achieving remission...
Update: my GI feels that I am experiencing a mild flare. Along with upping my meds (currently 4800 mg of Delzicol and nightly Rawasa enema), I'm back on Prednisone (12 day cycle, starting with 40mg...
Thanks for the thoughts and advice, everyone. Hi, iPoop. There has been blood in both my stool and on the toilet paper. I do have internal hemmies, also. I have upped my oral and rectal meds, and...
I do take a Rawasa enema. I had tapered down to once every three days during remission, but have recently upped it again to nightly....
I've seen blood in my stool (and on tp) a few times over the last two weeks. I'll see blood in one BM, then nothing for three or four. The consistency has been mostly loose. I'm not feeling pain,...
I've been in remission the past two months, but the last few days have me worried. I've been fatigued and have had an increase in BMs (some soft). Normally I go 1-2 times, but lately about three....
I have been on 3,200 mgs since my diagnosis; I will speak with my GI about upping to 4,800. He recommended that I begin to taper the Rowasa based on my absence of symptoms and how well I was feeling....
For the past month, I've been what must be VERY close to remission. Lately I've seen mucus and a few small spots/streaks of blood in my stool off and on. I'm only having 1-2 well formed BMs a day....
I am a runner and was diagnosed early last month. I seem to have a mild case of UC, but have responded well to the treatments and am already getting back to a normal running routine (yesterday I ran...
Welcome to the forum, Mosheen. I was just diagnosed early last month, so I'm with you in regards to the uncertainty and the "How in the hell did this happen?" feeling. I'm forty-two, and until...
I typically take it either before a meal or after. Should I take it during?...
I have seen the Delzicol casings, but can tell the difference between that and what I think was a bit of blood. No blood this morning, but I did see two completely whole Delzicol pills. Grrrr......
"We inspect them like tea leaves and try to read the future." Haha! That is so true, iPoop! Yes, I definitely have some health anxiety. In general, I have an obsessive personality and over-analyze...
It's definitely not the casings: I open them up and swallow the individual pills. I'm certain that it's blood. Like I said, it is a TINY amount. I've seen the same thing Maybe three times over the...
Of course, because I said yesterday that I wasn't seeing any signs of symptoms, I saw two ultra-small spots of blood in my stool this morning. Everything else is going well: 1-2 well-formed BMs a...
Hello everyone, Things have been going well; my last dose of Prednisone was Saturday morning, and I still do not have any symptoms, as far as I can tell. I am currently taking 3200mg (1600 twice...
Am I wrong in thinking that I should be seeing some symptoms as I taper, though, if the Mesalamine were not working? I think I'm symptom-free (I'm not seeing any blood) at the moment. I take my last...
It seems to have helped immensely. I suppose it could be the Mesalamine, too. Either way, I am almost symptom-free. 1-2 bms a day, no pain or urgency. I saw a tiny spot of blood Monday morning and...
Hello, everyone. I am currently taking 10mg of Prednisone daily. I took 40mg for five days, then 30mg for five, etc (20 days total). I will take my last 10mg Saturday. I do not seem to have any...
I picked up a copy of the biopsy. Under Specimens 4 (Sigmoid) and 5 (Rectum), the diagnosis is "Active Chronic Colitis. Negative for dysplasia" Under Specimens 1 (Ascending Colon), 2 (Transverse...
He's basing it on my current lack of symptoms. I have three more days of Prednisone. I suppose I'll really know how I'm doing after that. I was scoped two weeks ago. That's when I was diagnosed....
Thanks, iPoop. I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't missing something. The GI said that the biopsy report did confirm UC. I will call and ask for a copy....
I had my follow-up appointment with my GI yesterday. He said that I am doing very well and healing up nicely. I'm a bit confused about my diagnosis, though, and I failed to get clarification...
You may have an allergy/intolerance to natural latex. My wife has this, and has bad reactions (food poisoning-like symptoms) to bananas, avocados, and other foods containing natural latex....
That is great news! Enjoy your home and all of the little things....
I figured that it was time to start a new thread. It has been eleven days since my diagnosis. I am currently taking Prednisone (tapering - 20mg), Rawasa (one nightly), and just started Pentasa (4...
Update: while the GI/pharmacy tries to sort out the insurance nonsense with the Delzicol, I have been prescribed Pentasa. I just took my first dose. So easy. I just don't understand why the GI even...
Thanks for all of the help, everyone! Of course now my prescription has been delayed because of an insurance issue......
Update: My GI is prescribing Delzicol. He doesn't feel that Pentasa does much for the distal colon. Finally! Now I don't have to worry about choking to death (literally). So I should sprinkle the...
The nurse finally called back. My GI will prescribe Apriso. Can that be opened?...
Thanks for your advice and thoughts on the Lialda. I'm definitely not going to take it. I should be hearing back today from my GI about an alternative....
Okay. The nurse is going to talk to the doctor about alternatives. The prevailing wisdom seems to be that while not preferable, it is okay to break up capsules, like Delzicole or Pentasa, though?...
Well, I picked up my prescription for Lialda. These pills are huge! I don't think I can swallow them. I know it's not a good idea to break them up, but is it better than not taking them at all?...
I just spoke to the nurse at the GI's office. It turns out that I WAS supposed to be on an oral Mesalamine as well; apparently there was confusion on the pharmacy's end. I asked her about some of the...
I have only run a few miles since all of this started. It's driving me a bit crazy. I know that exercise is good, but I am worried about "stirring things up."...
just curious - could you expand on this a bit - how long, past and current treatments, etc. ?[/quote] I have a hiatal hernia which causes part of my stomach to creep up into the esophagus. I have...
I definitely am not taking any of this lightly. I'm forty-two, and until now, have never had any significant health problems. I'm a distance runner and typically am considered to be in excellent...
Thanks for the response, iPoop (great name!). I was initially prescribed Lialda as well, but I have extreme difficulty (esophageal stricture) swallowing large pills. I plan on speaking with my GI...
Hello, everyone. I was diagnosed last Monday with UC. My follow-up with the GI is next Monday, but judging by the colonoscopy results, I seem to have proctosigmoiditis. Over the course of the last...