Again - thanks for your input. I'm only researching because he has a full time job and an infant daughter - I am at home all day so it's easier for me to do some research. I'm hoping they can find...
Thank you, notsosicklygirl, for your explanation. My son hasn't ever even come close to using a diaper and I know that wouldn't be something he would do. His colon is inflamed but other than going...
Thanks for your help! I didn't know about the possible fertility/erectile issues - we will certainly ask the doctor about that! So the j-pouch simulates going to the bathroom like normal? Not an...
Thank you for your comforting words! We feel fortunate to live only 5 hours from CC so traveling there won't be too bad. We're just anxious to get something going...his quality of life isn't the...
I know I just posted a little bit ago but I'm trying to do research for our upcoming Cleveland Clinic visit. I'm looking into all of the various pouches -J K BCIR - I'm not fully understanding the J...
Hi everyone! My son has an appt at CC to see a surgeon and hopefully a specialist. Does anyone have an opinion about any of the UC doctors/surgeons? Good experiences, bad, etc. Our local doc has...
Thanks all for reaching out! Does anyone know of the benefits of medical marijuana? He tested negative for c diff but he was really hoping to test positive! Anything that is treatable! Also if anyone...
My son has had UC for 11 years and is almost 26. He's been in a terrible flare- NOTHING is working. Humira, entyvio and all sorts of pills. Doc is wanting an assessment from a surgeon. Thinking of...