I tried the calmoseptin and unfortunately it didn't give me much relief however, I did order and try Ilex and it definitely helped. I got it on Amazon and will be ordering more to have on hand. Seems...
Thanks for info....
No mucous, burning is when BM/diarrhea. Is calmoseptine a prescription drug? Dr said I had some condition and gave me a paper on it but I can't put my hands on it right now. Directions were to apply...
I had a scope last November I think and dr also removed a hemorrhoid. I take no meds for ulcerative colitis which was reason for total colectomy. I do take meds for high blood pressure and high...
I had a total colostomy about 5 1/2 years ago. Occasionally I get this super burning in my butt. I do not have an ileostomy. However in the past 2 weeks have I developed this burning pooping razor...
No I have never heard of it. But worth a try. I should probably have posted this under UC and/or Crohn's forum. Thanks for your help....
So glad to find that I am not the only one with the burning butt. Sometimes it is so bad I want to scream and cry at the same time. Frequently it will wake me up at night and then it burns so bad I...
Have found that 40% zinc oxide (diaper rash ointment) has helped my rectal burning more than any other medicine I have tried and I have tried a LOT of them....
I had very bad bleeding with my UC was at its worse. I took prednisone which stopped the bleeding and was also taking mesalamine 6 to 8 pills a day. Then I developed a lung problem from the...
I sympathize with John re: thousand razor blade poops. They are certainly worse than some medieval torture imaginable....
I, too, am suffering from a very burny butt. So painful at times that it will wake me up during the night. I have tried so many different creams. vaseline, hemorrhoid wipes, etc. I had my entire...