I’m sorry you’re not feeling great at the moment. Regarding blood work - I make sure to collect all results and document them. This allows me to work with facts. I do the same with many other...
Avocado was a saviour for me. I just checked my food log and I seemed to have done pretty well with the following: - Eggs (fried, scrambled, or omelette) - Sticky Rice - Tiny bit of Soy Sauce - Tofu...
A few things to consider and I’m by no means an expert - If I needed to add protein, I’d start with something like fish or chicken. I eat steak but it’s inflammatory and hard on your colon etc....
You’re right, poopydoop. I’m confusing it with the cdiff test. I was told when I was tested that results would take a few days as they had to culture. My calprotectin kits have been delivered to me...
I’ve been on Humira for about 12 weeks now. Inflectra didn’t work for me as I reacted during my second infusion. I had finished my prednisone taper by the time I started Humira. I noticed the...
I’ve just had mine done two weeks ago. It took about a week. I’m in Toronto. I’ve heard that the calprotectin takes longer because they need to cultivate the bacteria or something like that. Anyway,...
fortunately I’ve had to be super patient in the past as I’ve spent months and months training for certain events and also had to work wisely through injuries. It’s good to know what the current...
So, an update! I decided to go for a very short and very slow run yesterday, it was super humbling. All I could manage was 1.25km overall in just over 10min. I was running 3min @ ~ 7:45/km and 1 min...
We responded at the same time, John. I was thinking of going for a DEXA scan to check my body fat and to get a baseline for my training (hoping to get back into it soon). Checking bone density would...
I was on Prednisone for exactly 10 weeks. I'm thinking to reduce my calcium to half, so 600mg (+200 from the multivit = 800mg) for a week or two before relying only on the 200mg from my multivitamin...
Thank you. I wasn’t thinking and ordered a new little container of Calcium before finishing the current one. I probably have about 6 weeks worth in the new one plus about 3 days worth in the current...
Hi again, I was told to take a Calcium supplement due to Prednisone side effects. I have been taking 1200mg per day. I took my last dose of Prednisone yesterday. Do I continue with the Calcium...
By tomorrow I'll just be on Humira. I took my last dose of prednisone this morning. My CRP was 188 when I went into hospital and down to 27 when I left hospital two weeks later. I haven't checked my...
@iPoop & @Hugo - Thank you, I'll stick to the low cadence Z2 stuff for now on the bike. I had my last prednisone this morning (5mg). I'll have a look to see if I can find info on how long it stays in...
I didn’t think anything of it until I just read your post. I’ve been scratching behind my ear and the back of my neck, mostly around the hairline, for the last few days. I’m down to 5mg and finish on...
Hey Hugo, Thanks for replying on the other thread. As mentioned I’m a triathlete too. I’m newly diagnosed and lost a ton of weight during this first ever flare. I’m tapering prednisone, 60mg when I...
Thank you! You’re definitely right, I’m not in remission yet, far from it. I was just curious if there is some sort of set levels to the numbers but it doesn’t seem to be the case....
Hi Hugo, This isn't Xeljanz related. I am also a triathlete, not super competitive but newly diagnosed with UC. I have a few questions, can I start a new thread to ask you a few things? Thanks,...
Hi Everyone, I had a look through a few historical questions related to Calprotectin results as I got my recent results today. When I say recent, it's only the second time I have received...
Oh I’m also tapering prednisone. Dropped 10mg per week from 60mg to 20mg then moved to dropping 5mg per week. I’ll be moving down from 10mg to 5mg on Tuesday. Just over a week left and super stoked...
I’m going through the same. I lost 46lbs at the start of this flare. Since being him from hospital (7 weeks) I’ve put on 22lbs as of yesterday. I track everything, something I’ve noted is that I have...
Thanks, everyone. I've just got back from the clinic, had my first does of Humira (4 injections). Hopeful that it will all work out....
Hi Everyone, I’m new to the forum and recently diagnosed with UC (6 weeks ago). I started my first flare without knowing it was a flare about 10 weeks ago. Eventually went to emergency after 4 weeks...
Hi, I’m new to all of this but wanted to mention that in addition to reacting during my second Inflectra infusion, I had a sore throat start a few hours after the infusion. It was gone within 24...
Thank you for the welcome :). We tested my levels and noticed that I was building antibodies, most likely the reason for the reaction. The doc also mentioned that some people’s bodies don’t like the...
I’m newly diagnosed (6 weeks ago) and new to the forum (3min ago). I was placed on Inflectra while in hospital where I was newly diagnosed 6 weeks ago. No issues with Inflectra for the first infusion...