Thanks for all the replies. Someone asked what my hemoglobin was 8.2, normal is 11.1 - 15.9 Hemotocrit was 25.9 normal is 34 - 46.6 and RBC was 2.72 normal is 3.77 - 5.28 I go tomorrow to...
I forgot to mention that they did test me for was negative. I was skeptical about getting any vaccines but I have since decided I would. The amount of blood I'm loosing is so overwhelming and...
Thank you FlowersGal Hearing from someone that is already on it helps to ease my mind. Did your Dr suggest getting a Hep A and B vaccine?...
Hi I am new here and very frustrated with UC. I was diagnosed 3.5 years ago at 56 and did ok until beginning of this year and after increasing my mesalamine, taking steroids and even doing the...