I started treatment yesterday and I'm wondering generally how long before I start to feel better? I feel a little better today as I slept through the night, but still feel pretty yucky. When does the...
I was in remission before I got pregnant last time. I was on colazol and 6-MP. My pregnancy was fabulous and I had no flares whatsoever. This pregnancy(I am currently 10 weeks along), I was not...
HAve you spoken with your doctor and OB about the cortifoam? What are their opinions. I was on 6MP and Colozal during my last pregnancy. I felt great and had no problems from the UC at all. And my...
Great thanks for the info. And a great idea about spacing them between my antibiotic doses. NEver would have thought of that!...
So I have c. diff. Confirmed this morning. Since I'm pregnant he wants to take the most agressive approach and am being treated with vancomycin every 6 hours for 14 days. I asked about taking a...
I breastfed my daughter for 13 months. After weaning I actually felt a lot better. I didn't have any UC flares. I think making milk put a bit of stress on my body and when I stopped my body was...
Thanks for your response. I was hoping to avoid a phone call to my doctor. He was not really supportive of me stopping the 6MP(he gave me a lot of grief). So I was hoping to do a few days trial just...
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone knew if colazal stayed in your system after you stop taking it? Or is it one of those drugs that isn't in your system if you don't take it? The reason I ask is I'm...
To give you a different perspective. My mom has ulcerative colitis(as do I and my brother). And I am so glad she had me! I just recently had a baby and even though there is risk in her having UC, at...
Hi there, I just recently went through all this! My baby girl is now 4 months old and I definitely know how you all are feeling. Its so scaring not knowing, what will work, what won't, and whether...