Sounds like Atrial fibrillation to me. I'd talk to your doctor about it....
It's good to hear your alright. It takes a while for them to get it set right so hang in there. I had a problum with the leads touching a nerve inside so when I would lay on my side while trying to...
Not too sure what all is involved with a C.A. but I've had many heart caths in the thigh/groin area and have never had one hurt more then a few days. I'd go talk to your doctor about it if it's still...
I think RickyB hit the nail on the head there. After my first heart attack I didn't want to do anything. Mostly out of fear of having another attack. I went through alot of depression and even though...
Thought I'd stop by and see how everything went. Hope you're doing alright Starr. Seth....
Ya, they told me the same thing. They said I'd be able to respond to questions and stuff. But like I said in the other post, the doc told me to start counting down from ten and when I got to 3 the...
Hi Starr. Sorry to hear you're having heart problums. I was in the same boat as you 13 years ago. At 22 years old, I got an injury that left my leg full of blood clots after a sergery to fix it. One...