sorry you feel that way, but this is a helpful site as turtle posted, tad rude i think...
hi i had valve replacement so sort of same recovery, my advice would be take it easy but gentle improvement if that makes sense, your body has been through the mill make no mistake and needs a lot of...
agree with jdiane, i have asthma and take beta blockers and find i can manage them well, imo you need to take the meds and they will help, i can have thousands of pacs pvcs some days and they are...
hi melanie, i was out after 6 days, so expect around the same, shower chair and jug? the physo told me its good to get moving about soon after op and going to the toilet was fine for me, also got a...
hi melaine, i had ohs surgery 7 yrs ago for valve replacement, the main thing for me is just to take it easy and remember everybody recovers at a different rate, do everything the hospital and...
good post jung,...
hiya, firstly the waiting is the worst bit, honestly it really isnt as bad as the mind leads you to believe,for the first week you will be sore but the pain is no where near as bad as you think, the...
with pvcs and pacs it can vary from people to people on what might ease them, try different things but unfort i find they come and go when they like, i seem to have more in summer? work that out lol,...
hiya, sometimes you can read to much into info we are given bearing in mind we know next to nothing about them, pvcs or pacs are a bloomin pest but sometimes we have to just put up with them, try...
hiya, try not to worry about them ,easy i know as there pests, i can have thousands per day so i am fully aware what a pest they can be, chin up and try to chill...
hi jenny, I think jdiane has gone through most of the details well, i was in hospital 6 days and being older found the recovery a tad harder but by no means as bad as i thought it would be,i went for...
hi jenny, I had ohs for my valve replacement 7 years ago, usually it is a open sternum job, but the good news is it is not as bad as you may think, if you want to ask anything fire away...
had heart valve rep 7 yrs ago, find myself more emotional about things and more chilled if that makes sense,...
hiya, Well in one word NO, think your getting yourself worked up over next to nothing, And by doing so will only make things worse, your doc seems to be on top of the case so i would just try to take...
hiya, hopefully i can ease your mind a bit, i have had a valve replacement 7 yrs ago and suffer from pvcs on and off the last 5 yrs, i can get thousands per day to sometimes none, there are harmless...
i have had pvcs since my valve replacement and when i have them bad i can have thousands per day, in most cases there are harmless but very annoying,if you get stressed when you have them they will...