well, it's been a year since i last posted and what a year it has been. For those of you who are debating about a pericardiectomy - if your cardiologist says it's the right thing, then DO IT. I am...
Mrozek only three and a half weeks after surgery and i can run up the stairs and holler at the top of my voice. I could barely walk up the stairs without fainting only a few weeks ago. I haven't felt...
linda, thanks for the input - it's good to know this isn't just the start of another journey through hell. Although, rub or not - now that the fevers have subsided I feel more alive than I have felt...
John, The MRI scan performed in November (at the U of U medical center) did show adhesions. The echo performed just before the surgery (at the Mayo) also suggested adhesions. No-one was expecting...
Linda, I just got back from my local doctor and, I have to admit, I am pretty discouraged. First - I had no problems with the chest tubes. Since they used an epidural pain management system at the...
Hello again, Linda, Dr. Nishimura also stopped by to visit me while I was inthe hospital. I can't speak enough about how well the Mayo took care of me and my family. We were all scared (go figure!)...
Hey everyone, I'm alive! The surgery is over and I am back home. I tried to let you know from the hospital, but could not get through their firewall - although i could read the posts well enough....
Gerry, thank you for the encouragement. i'm at the mayo right now - hooray for wi-fi - and everyone is so incredibly helpful. reading about your descript ion of loosing size around your middle -...
Well, a week to go before the surgery at Mayo and it's another sleepless night. I've finally just given up trying to sleep in bed. I've woken several times choking for air (huge adreneline rush when...
PS - elisha, the Mayo is a long way from Idaho also, so I understand your comment about having to travel. When are you expecting to be there? christine...
elisha, a number of people i know personally (even beyond my circle of fellow sufferers here) have been treated at the Mayo and every single one raved about the level of care and the level of caring....
Hi Marcia, good to hear from you again. i talked to my doctor about AZ also - much better weather than MN in the early spring! He said that the MN-Mayo is the center of excellence for pericardial...
Les, Maybe your CP could have been prevented with treatment - but I wouldn't want to bet on it. I collapsed 15 months ago. Rushed to the hospital. Ultimatley diagnosed with acute pericarditis....
Nan, thanks for the good wishes. Dr. Orszulak is doing the surgery. Dr Nishimura isthe cardiologist that I'll see a couple of days prior to the surgery. I guess that would all sound more stressful if...
hope3, there isn't a person on this thread who doesn't wish you well. everyone i've 'met' has been supportive and caring. good luck with your condition. christine...
Maya, many members of this forum experienced much the same events as your fiance. chest pain, breathing issues, acceptable sed rates, etc. My constrictive pericarditis (rather than the recurrent...
Hi, it might be useful to read the threads about pericarditis and pericardiectomy (if you haven't already). It seems there are only two places in the country that regularly do pericardiectomies for...
you might want to read through the threads about pericarditis .... it might offer some ideas to explore. i hope that's not the problem, though!...
Hi - thought I'd try to start a new post for us since the last one is locked....