Real quick if anyone else has noticed that they have worse SVTs after the procedure please reply and let me know how everything fared and how long it took for them to subside. Thanks!! :) Jen...
Hello guys! My husband has had WPW all of his life, but it was not diagnosed until his late teens, and he is now 27. My husband just underwent an ablation procedure that was unsuccessful because they...
Hello :) My name is Jen and my husband just had an ablation about 3 weeks ago that was unsuccessful because once they got in the heart to map where the extra electrical impulses were, they found out...
Hi Queen, my name is Jen and my husband just underwent an unsuccessful ablation because his extra electrical pathway ended up being in an unusual hard to reach location that is right near a major...
Real quick, has anyone here had an unsuccessful ablation due to the location of the extra electrical pathway, that is my husband's case and we don't know where to go from here! I would appreciate any...
I am thankful that this post was not removed because that thought had never crossed my mind and I am truely thankful for the info! That should be illegal....for some trainee to be doing the procedure...
Hey real quick I just noticed noone has been checking up on this thread in a while so I just sent Jay an email aking for detals because my husband's story is the same as his and I would like to know...
Hello!! Quick question! I have noticed that many people that have had successful ablations are still on atenolol......I was wondering why. High blood pressure? Or as a result of the procedure? My...
Hello guys :) My husband just underwent an ablation for an extra electrical pathway in his heart. To make a long story short, his procedure was not successful and the electrocardiologist told us that...
Hi there! I just wanted to reply to your post real quick to say that it could be many things, need more tests done. I was wondering if you have worn the holter monitor to the gym yet? That's what my...
Hello! Just real quick I wanted to mention that my husband just had an unsuccesful ablation procedure 3 weeks ago and is now worse. the electrocardiologist refused to acknowledge the possiblity when...