I am not sure about where to get in the UK but it is Native to North America but can be purchaased here in Australia from any health food store or pharmacy. It's botanical name is Ulmus fulva,...
what may seem like heart burn symptoms can also be misdiagnosed as reflux and could be something more serious like heart. As mentioned by marthamae seek other medical opinions, i think our intuition...
Apple Cider Vinegar should be cauioned if there is over acid production and may cause irritation if there is any tissue damage. Generally most people are under acidic through a lack, of acid...
I have recently been informed that probiotics can cause further irritation as result of being pro-inflammatory in other words exacabating your condition. Lactobacillus plantarum 299v is suggested to...
There could be a couple of things to consider The pancreas could also be implicated here as the enzymes typically produced aid digestive function. If foods are not breaking down properly they can...
Irritable Bowel Syndrome is usually an indicator to a food sensitivities, such as the meat has being processed. The added ingredients may be a contributing factor as well or a bile production issue...
During my years as a gerd suffer i can tell you there were many home cures that I tried to quell the fires but FEW worked.....here is on that did help. Go to your health food stockist pickup some...
Ale17 - I have a Laxed Esophageal Sphincter myself and have the best result i found for me is to avoid too much fluid before bed time. There are herbal formulas that can tone mucous membranes but i...
Hi again since you asked i have spoken with some of my colleagues and we now agree that taking HCL before meals is ideal as it prepares the stomach for food. As far as the enzymes go there is debate,...
Having an understanding about how stress plays a role in the diet as well understanding that some foods cause digestive stress can also help with symptoms. Stress (long hours, worry, bad...
I was a long time GERD suffer and became a Naturopath as a result having been on Losec then Nexium for years after chewing those tables full of aluminum. I am now symptom free and now use Iberogast...