Bron, thats very interesting - thanks for sharing your story. I have GERD and have also struggled with anxiety and depression. I haven't taken any meds for anxiety or depression, only CBT. The weird...
I just had my first endoscopy a week ago (through the nose). I wasn't sedated, the doctor just sprayed something in my nose that froze my nasal passages and throat. The procedure itself was fine, but...
Janice and Ryan, thanks for your sharing your stories. It has definitely helped shed some light on my situation and is comforting to know I'm not alone. It's scary to think something like could cause...
Kitt, Thanks for the welcome and your reply. I'll try to follow your advice. My ENT is referring me to a chest specialist because of the impact this is having on my lungs. But I don't see how this...
Hi Everyone, I just joined and can relate to the frustration of a lot of the people here. I've suffered from GERD for about a year now. I don't get the 'heartburn' feeling, but I get an acidic...