Hi everyone, I would like to share my experience with GERD. I have had GERD and IBS for years now, and really didn't have any problems with it. In 2006, I started experiencing weird synthoms along...
Hi everyone, I wanted to tell you what happened to me. For years now I have had IBS and GERD, which I found very easy to control. I could eat anything I wanted as long as it was in moderation. In...
Moresha, a friend of mines was having the same problem with her throat and her doctor "stretched" it and all her syntoms went away. I was also experiencing problems with my throat while taking...
/community/emoticons/cry.gif Hi, in 2006 I was experiencing weird syntoms where I just couldn't eat. My doctors said "depression and GERD." I found this a bit strange because my GERD was always...