I'm looking for people who can tell me their experience with the Jernigan Nuero Anti tox CNS/PNS? I want to know how it worked for you regardless of what condition you used it for. Thanks...
Thanks stkitt and Bopeep. Bopeep, Did it help you forever or did you have to keep taking it? If you only took it for a short time, how long did you take it? I hope you don't mind all the questions....
I have had dry mouth as long as I've had Gerd, over 20 years. Anyone else have that? Thanks...
I went to get something for a cold I had and with the meds I take, there was not any over the counter cold medicines that I could take. Any suggestions? Oh, I also have high blood pressure, which...
I've been told I have lots of symptoms, not sure about Lyme. One dr. says yes, all the rest say no. So for all these years just been treating the symptoms. So here is my list, what do you all think....
Those are good suggestions. I did the B vitamins, acupuncture, and massage and it was only temporary relief....
For me, I have less reflux if I eat meat proteins as the last thing. Too much sugary stuff later in the day will cause it to really flare up. Although, prilosec and antacids handle it pretty well....
Any time I eat bananas, I have immediate acid reflux. I have never mixed them with soy....
[sup][b]Are you named after anyone? [sup]No [3][sup] [3][b][sup]What are your favorite sounds? [sup]My spouses voice, happy children, chimes, tide hitting the shore, birds. [3][sup] [3][b][sup]What...