Maybe bake it into some brownies or butter for cooking?...
I've been on omeprazole for 3months or so, I've had some constipation and loose stools. Maybe it has to do with having less stomache acid to digest food with...
Did you mention your family history of cancer to your doctor?...
When I first tried the apple cider vinegar it didn't have "the mother" and it didn't do anything. I find with "the mother" to soothe my stomache, help GERD and help digestion being on a PPI and all....
If you have heartburn, and the meds aren't doing enough then what is he planning to do? Take you off any med that kinda works and make you suffer? I really hope you get your endo, that's frustrating....
Yes they knock you out, it's very quick. Like Sharon said to pay full price in the states you'll be looking at paying a few grand, and that doesn't include follow ups or medication. Best bet is to...
I'm new here and new to the whole GERD scene in general. I'm from the US but am lucky to still be covered by my parents insurance cause I'm 24, you can be dependent up to 26 now here. Initially my...
Thanks for your reply. I'll try your suggestion...
I'm posting here because I have had GERD for a year and finally got an endoscopy. Im wondering if anyone has had a similar experience Hi, I went to the GI doc for chronic GERD. They did an endoscopy...