Thanks a ton for all the replies. I think I'm finally on the mend. I've been avoid alchol, smoking, and caffiene. I try to eat healthier than I used to but I cave for fried foods sometimes and they...
I had a follow up with my GI specialist today two weeks approx. after my EGD Upper GI. After the EGD I was diagnosised with a small 2cm hiatal hernia, and gastritis. The nurse said it was nothing to...
Ok, thanks Bill. Do you still take PPI's even when the symptoms subside and do you know approximately how long it takes to recover from a flare up? Thanks for the response!...
Hi all, I've posted before. I recently got my EGD/Upper GI scope done and got some results back yesterday. The results showed that I had an irritated stomach (gastritis) and a small hiatal hernia,...
I think taking my align caused me to have another bout of Acid Reflux. I have finally recovered from it (one week later). I still sometimes suffer from Anxiety (comes and goes) however as well as a...
I went to the GI Specialist a week ago Monday and we set up a time to get a scope. He thinks it might either be a virus that gave me gastritis or irritated stomach, or barrett's esophagus, or an...
Thanks a ton for you guys advice. I will try to abide by most of it. I sure do miss beer though! Hopefully I will be able to get back to normal lifestyle soon! Will Gas-x help with build up?...
Thanks for the response. I had never heard of Gastritis before and I looked that up a little and that sounds similar to my symptoms as well as GERD. I got real sick on Tuesday after not feeling good...
About a month ago I went in to the doctor for a stomach ache. I had nausea and I assumed it was the flu but I had been home sick from work for three days and wanted to get it checked out. I started...