Hi, I was wondering if you or Maximus had looked into burning mouth syndrome (BMS). It can be connected to GERD. Best, Grace...
Hi, I ordered a good wedge pillow from amazon.com and got it no problem in Canada. Best, Grace...
Hey all, Thanks for the information, the youtube video was really reassuring too. I won't be having the test for a while but I'd like to know what to expect so thanks for the quick answers. Take...
Hi all, I have the motility test coming up and was wondering what to expect. Could someone who's had it let me know what's involved? Thanks very much, Grace p.s. I hope you're continuing to feel well...
Hey Cindy and Skitt, Thanks for the quick reply. I'm in the process of getting more tests (motility), and I just had a barium swallow come back normal. In terms of the gall bladder issue, I had an...
I was wondering if anyone else has this problem. I've had it for a couple of years now, but lately it's gone from a feeling of pressure to a feeling of 'rawness' and low level pain. It's been pretty...
Thanks MMM, I have heard of DGL and I've already gone off of the nexium so I'll see what happens and try various things. I've already discovered the old prune remedy. I can't stand them but I think...
Hi Bill, Thanks for getting back to me. I am increasing my water intake and trying changing my diet (wheat seems to be bothering me a lot now). I'll see if a few weeks of this regime helps. I've been...
Hi Kitt, Thanks for the reply. I have been dealing with constipation (not something that used to be an issue for me before all this started), gas, cramping and a feeling of pressure in the lower part...
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has had side effects on nexium related to digestion. I've been on nexium for about three months now and it has really helped (though not totally eliminated) my gerd...
Thanks Dencha, I did what you suggested, I already get enough spam! Take care, Grace...
Hi Aans, Cindy, and outtllaw, Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Thanks for sharing your story, Aans, I'd heard about the throwing up thing already and am keeping it in mind, but I'm happy to...
Thanks very much for getting back to me so quickly. I'll hopefully hear from my fellow Torontonian soon. Thanks again, Grace...
Hi, I was wondering if anyone on the forum had gotten a wrap procedure done in Toronto? I'm about to start looking into it and was hoping to hear from someone who had found a good surgeon. Thanks,...
Thanks for the suggestion Moo's Mum, will do. Grace...
Hi all, I'm a new member and still figuring out how the forum works. I was hoping to reach Gerdo and ask about her doctor's name. I hadn't heard about this procedure before and it sounds like...