hi, get off and stay off all ppis. they are poison. you feel kinda weird now but will soon feel like dying if you keep taking it. get off it asap and dont touch h2 blockers either....
hi, I have terrible ocd at age 27. so bad im on social security because of it. the truth is its more powerful than we are at times and recognizing when it gets bad is the first step to beating it....
jason, have u cinsidered surgery. it is truly the only way to get off meds. I am having pain when swallowing food and also chest pain all the time. im two months off of all meds. ppis I mean. this is...
how many of you take ppis. if you dont know what a ppi is its prilosec, nexium, etc. for acid reflux....
minnesota and others whome this may concern. now I dont know any of you but I believe when you guys are talking about feeling sick all the time your talking about cfs. my question well not question...
hi wotan you dont have cfs I can guarantee that. I saw your post and I knew what was going on right away....
all of you are wrong I know whats going on. you dont have a disease dude....
Have mercy on your soul. Good luck....
Dear jmoss,wondering if drinking a few beers will be the least of your problems if you dont throw those prilosecs down the toilet. If what your expriencing is a lump in the throat without any pain or...
Dear jmoss,wondering if drinking a few beers will be the least of your problems if you dont tr...
Yeah man hang in there. All my tests came back normal and my chest and esophagus hurt so bad. be thankful there's no damage being done or barrets. The key is finding chipping skills without using to...
Yeah well said. Linx looks like the best solution for surgery as of now.theres always a chance for failures and side effects with linx to. Iv just had my fill of pills....
Also jeff, I had the worst burning in my stomach and terrible stomach pains from prolonged use of ppis. Not saying thats whats causing your stimach discomfort but did yiu originally have that three...
sup Jeff, your symptoms are exactly like mine. Everyday I have chest pain that radiates to my back and it hurts when I touch my chest in a few inches above the sternum. It has ruined the lasr two...
I mean taking ppis doesn't correct the problem it masks it by shutting down your acid pumps and creates a dangerous and unhealthy environment for your stomach. Over time this can led to a great deal...
Natasha, im not a doctor or anything and don't want to scare you, but its not reflux that your having. This sounds like side effects from your protonix. To make a long story short ppis ruin lives and...
jules12345 said... HEY gerdo....can you please add me to [email protected] thankyou so much it's urgent and I would like to tell you about my story, personally online if you can give me 30...