I've been on 20mg prilosic once daily for a month. Do I need to wean off of it?...
How can you tell where the mucus comes from? I've been spitting out a lot of clear jelly like thick mucus. I never cough it up. More of a sucking it down from my nose I think but really not sure...
I have a weird burning sensation along my spine and across my shoulder blades. Lots of post nasal drip. Doc just looked down my throat and thinks I have heartburn. Right in the middle of my spine I...
I'm starting to think my sore throat and vocal cord issues is due to stress as well. I've had a ton of post nasal drip and didn't have heartburn symotoms until I started taking prilosic. Thinking I...
Ever since I've been on prilosic I've been having vomit burps and now my stomach feels warm. When I was taking nothing I didn't experience this. I've had a lot of post nasal drip so we're thinking...
Anyone have burning sensation along spine and shoulder blades, shortness of breath, and post nasal drip due to allergies and asthma?...
I take zyrtec, flonase, and a extremely low dose lung inhaler. Nothing helps. I would describe it more like a burning feeling and extreme chest tightness. No cough no wheezing lung sound clear and...
Thanks for the response! I appreciate any advice that I can get. I have been feeling better for the last two weeks then Saturday was at a friends house who had opened windows and now I feel...
So confused! Allergy blood test results have come back! Only allergy is to Timothy grass which came back 7.2 which is kinda low in the high category. Grass pollen has been low for weeks but continue...
Thank you! I Didn't know that about vitamin d defiency. I was taking a prenatal when they started but I've never been tested for a defiency so who knows if it was enough. I'll ask my doctor about it....
Usually around 6 or 7. Go to bed at 11. I've never had heartburn. Do any of my symptoms sound like heartburn?...
Hi, I posted in the asthma and allergy section as well. Since the beginning of June my post nasal drip from allergies has been awful. I've also been experiencing feeling inflammed and tight in the...
Beginning in June when ever I walk outside I feel as if I'm having an allergic reaction. I'm on flonase and zyrtec which control all allergy symptoms except post nasal drip and feeling inflammed in...