Wow, what an interesting article. Thanks for posting it Kitt. It explains alot of what has been going on in my body over the past little while....
Rita: No, I do not have a thread of my own. I only started posting on this forum recently and just replied to Davinci because she mentioned that she had fluttering. I wouldn't call my fluttering as...
Rita: I am sorry to hear about your bile problems. What do you mean by "bile stools". I am having alot of problems with nausea and I was hoping that the surgery would help fix that. It is scary to...
Hi Rita: Thanks for your reply. I wish you well in your recovery. I had one gastro doctor tell me that I was too old for the surgery, so I got another doctor. I refuse to live with such a limited...
Davinci I also have the fluttering in the chest. It especially happens when I am lying in bed and I notice it when I first wake up the most. My GERD has gotten so bad in the past few months that I am...
Nexium causes me to get diarhea really bad. I took it for about three years and had bouts of diarhea very often. I am now on Dexilant and although my stools are loose I don't get the diarhea now. I...
I read here that green tea can cause the LES to relax. Is that true? I have noticed after drinking it, I can get more pain from my acid reflux. What warm drinks do you have that don't affect your...
Oh yes I have had one of those, two years ago. I also had to wear a monitor with a tube up my nose for a whole day to measure the acidity in my esophagus. As a result of that, the doctor put me on...
Yes I have had an endoscopy and a barium swallow but not sure about the motility study. Both of the two mentioned tests were done more than five years ago though....
Yes I have seen a cardiologist and even wore a monitor for a few days to rule out the heart. When it first started happening, I really thought I was having a heart attack but all the tests ruled that...
The spasms I get don't seem to have any particular time that they effect me. They probably occur during the day but I don't notice them as much. I do notice them alot when I am trying to get to sleep...
Unfortunately I haven't had the opportunity to see my doctor since last summer. I spend the winter in Florida and my doctor is in Ontario, Canada. I will have to see him when I go back in the spring....
Hi everyone: I have had GERD for several years now. I take 40 mg Nexium twice daily. Lately the Nexium does not seem to be controlling the GERD. I have been getting pains (with burping) in the...