Hi! Thank you for your kind and encouraging words! When I went in yesterday, although I was nervous, I felt a lot better about the procedure. I had been thinking positively about it and felt like it...
Thank you for your encouraging words. It helps to know I'm not the only one to be unable to do this procedure. My surgeon's receptionist called me this morning (I have an appt. on Mon.) and she was...
Hi! My esophageal manometry was scheduled for this morning.Although I tried many strategies to calm myself, I was still very nervous. When the nurse checked my blood pressure, it was 165/102 (and I...
Thank you! I'll try to remember that tomorrow! It sounds like a good trick to use to keep from swallowing at the wrong time....
Hi! I have the esophageal manometry test scheduled for tomorrow morning and I am so nervous!! I can handle shots and I.V.s (even though I don't like them, I'm not scared of them). But I am scared...