A few months ago a had minimal GERD symptoms and mostly gas, bloating, and increased bowel movements (no diarrhea and sometimes there was not much coming out though it felt like I had to go). Over...
The H pylori test was before the PPI but it was during the time I was taking Ranitidine(Zantac)....
Thanks for the replies. I am supposed to see a GI for a potential scoping.. but they say its 3-6 months just to get an appointment. So I'm stuck waiting. I had some stool tests for bacteria/parasites...
Thanks for your response. For H Pylori I had the blood test, which I hear is fairly accurate....
Hi, please have a look at my symptoms and let me know if it sounds familiar or like something else. I've been tested for H Pylori, Celiac (even did a gluten free diet for a month), Thyroid (TSH) I...