Hi After months of stomach pain I am finally free of gastritis which was caused by over-use of NSAIDS, as I had a endoscopy to check the stomach. Everything is all clear, and I got off my medication....
Hi guys, have been taking Prilosec and after I take it and when it starts to kick in I feel slightly dizzy for a while. I was on 20mg of Nexium before that and i get random dizziness throughout the...
Yeah, I going to go on sunday, as I want to see my doctor I always see. So you guys don't think its a pinched nerve? Is it heart related?...
Hey guys, Last night I was sleeping on my back and suddenly out of now where I got this shooting electrical pain from my Left collar bone down to my Left upper chest. this happened several more times...
Awesome, thanks guys for the feedback. Also do you think the Pine Needle Oil is a scam? Or would it Help?...
Hey guys I am on medication for Gastritis, its helps alot but I still get sore from time to time. So I researched ways to heal the stomach lining and I came across this site...
Good News, since I have stopped the medication (as I only need to take it for a week and a bit for a acicidy stomach) my wieght from today has started to go down. My jeans are getting more loser and...
Yeah but it can cause weight gain........it happened to me =( and I didn't change my eating habbits...
Hi I have been on Nexium for 1 week and a half and I noticed that I have gained some weight on this medication and my eating habbits haven't changed at all. Will the weight come off automatically and...
Also today my left hand is really swollen? should I be concerned?...
nah I don't have an automatic implantable cardiac defibrillator, but I did post on the forums a while back complaining of chest discomfort so this electrical symptom/problem is very new to me. I went...
2 days ago I walking and I felt a huge jolt in my chest like an electrical jolt that took my breath away for a second, it was really strange but didn't think anything of it, then it happened again...
Okay then I better just in case. Do hearts usually make this noise?...
Hey guys tonight I was just reading a magazine and for about 5-10 sec I could hear a ticking sound from the center of my chest like a clock ticking. I have never had this before, Is this serious?...
Hey guys I am wondering if you can answer some of my questions; Does costochondritis gradually get worse over 7 months? Does costochondritis pain change in duration? Does costochondritis have new...
Hey guys I am a 22 year old female I have been on Ritalin for 1 year but have stop in December as I was getting horrible side effects. However ever since I have stopped the Ritalin i have been...
Yeah thats why I am worried that the Ritalin has caused some a problem with my heart as it seems weird as soon as I stopped the Ritalin the chest problems came up and also when I was on the drug too...
Oh, Ritalin is ADHD medication just to let you guys know....
Awesome, didn't know about that. Also I'm going to go back to the doctors and ask if I can get a test for GERD /acid reflux. Are there any specific tests that need to be done to diagnose it? Like...
Thanks guys for the quick response. I went to the doctor about the GERD problems/reflux but says its too far away from from esophagus for it to be GERD/Reflux I even went on medication for it to see...
Hey guys, I am a 22 year old Female and I have been on ritalin for a year last year but have stopped it last december. Anyway ever since the ritalin I have been getting mainly left sometimes middle...