Thanks Bill Do my symptoms sound like LPR to you? What causes it, is it like an allergic reaction to the acid? Craig...
You might want to get cereal that can be mushed up - dont know what country your in but I used Weatabix and Rice Crispies (UK) if that means anything to you. Also Dont forget Angel Delight and stay...
Hi Max Thanks for your reply My symptoms were/are mainly discomfort - I feel like I cant breathe properly and its makes me feel really exhausted and anxious. I wouldnt say I have a burning feeling...
Hi Denise Thanks for your reply- Ive noticed that you give a lot of advice to people on this forumn and Im sure its greatly appreciated! I actually started feeling better after about 3 weeks and made...
Hi Virgogirl Thank you very much for your reply. I saw my Surgeon 3 weeks ago and he said I shouldn't really be experiencing any heartburn or indigestion - I know this is contrary to what a lot of...
Hi Everyone I had the Nissen Fundoplication 10 weeks ago for Gerd & Hiatus Hernia. Prior to the operation my main concern was my breathing (much more than the heartburn itself) - I always feel like...
Thanks Kitt, I am looking forward to some answers!...
Hi Everyone I had the Nissen Fundoplication 10 weeks ago for Gerd & Hiatus Hernia. Prior to the operation my main concern was my breathing - I always feel like there is air building up in my chest...