My concern is why no current gastroenterologist in the past 15 months has even bothered to MENTION the Stretta to us as a valid / safe /operational alternative to LINX? We will continue to work with...
Sorry - just read the preceding posts on the STRETTA - I knew there had to be very valid and logical reasons why we had never read about it anywhere - nor heard of it nor had it recommended by a...
To the writer recomending the "stretta" as an alternative to the recently FDA approved LINX device - is the STRETTA also FDA approved? I have never heard of this - or read anything about it -...
Thanks for the info - I checked out the official TORAX site the moderator has kindly provided on this thread - and saw there are indeed several implant centers now in the U.S. - the gal in SAN DIEGO...
Any posts regarding LINX Implant Centers and surgeries in the U.S. since 4/11/12? Anyone know of any upcoming implant centers coming to Chicago any time soon? Anyone know how to get on an Implant...
Dear Bruce - patient at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida - Did your insurance cover your LINX device implant? You had this done as a regular patient and not as part of a covered/free clinical...
Wow! Thanks for all the great info on other LINX implant centers! I have no idea what the coordinator in San Diego was thinking? She insisted only THEY had official Torax-approved implants - until...
Not according to the gal from U.C. San Diego - she said theirs is the only location at this time - allowed to do the LINX implants in the States. London, England is the other official LINX implant...
According to the Hospital staff I spoke with about the procedure last week, $12,000 was the total cost... She said that most patients are in and out in just a few hours... the procedure lasts only...
Yes - I agree totally - it is critical that the LINX physicians become providers under the major insurance plans.Our insurance is also Blue Cross/Blue Shield. We are hopeful both physicians and major...
Yes - we have spoken directly with the people in San Diego doing this surgery. It is $12,000 - and no insurance has covered it at least as of the first week when we spoke with them and they had...
Well - our concern is that the PH strips did not show significant acid reflux- it appears that the acid isn't coming back up as much as food and drink - and this is what is obviously causing the...
Dear Speden, Many thanks for your extremely helpful reply! We will definitely keep everyone posted... we are praying that our son can be approved to receive the LINX device... we wish surgeries were...
More info I learned today - So far - no insurance has covered this procedure just yet - but it's brand new - one week old here in the States. Cost - $12,000 approximately Please insurance companies -...
LINX just approved in the states this week - being done now at University of California - San Diego... only place FDA approved in the States. My son wants this done very badly - please share your...