I had surgery three weeks ago and would do it again in a heartbeat. Like you, after reading the forum comments I was a little concerned. Then, I thought about why I seek out such a tool. It is...
Sun Woman, I have wondered how you have been doing since our surgery was that same day. I am recovering better than expected. (Should I knock on wood?) I am meeting with my family doctor today to...
Thank you, Denise, for bringing this to my attention. I think the questions that I have raised mean that we are matching in how the thought process developed. i am sure that I will be referring back...
I am recovering from surgery last week. What causes repeat procedures to be needed. Anything that I should be cognizant of as I recover, other than the usual, that would help prevent future issues?...
I am not sure that mentally, I realized how major this surgery was. I have a pretty high pain tolerance, so even to myself, I seem to think that I am SuperWoman. Then, I suddenly do something stupid....
I also had surgery on Thursday. It is great to have the perspective of others while going through this. Honestly, I don't know how to even answer the question of friends that is simply, "How are you...