i was on for 3 weeks i kept getting suicidal thoughts and was really down..my doc told me not to take more then 3 weeks if it gotten better....my g/f helped me alot...now i been off for a...
i been on prilosec 40mg and lorezapham 1g for 2 weeks...i take prilosec in morning before meal and lorezapham 1g before sleep..after taking meds i havn't had any problems with acid reflux or stuck...
thank you for reply rager201216 ok...yes i think so its mostly might be my water weight....my weight is on/off gain and lose not just losing weight...why m i keep getting scared to swallow food??? it...
my doc put me on omeprazola prisolec 40mg for 2 weeks...today is my second day taking the meds....my stuck throat feeling seems to be curing but my mouth and throat seems to get extremely...
is it normal to lose weight that fast in 1 week..about 13 pounds...first couple days i couldn't eat was scared to eat that stuck feeling in throat scared food might get stuck..bit swallowing trouble...
its was not much dry...only been eating soft food and water with fruits..my stomach feel's full after eating small meal and bloated like...i hope i don't have stomach cancer....plsss help... i feel...
right now im on omeprazola 40mg capsulte a day before meal for two weeks.......
will magnesium help cure stuck sensation feeling in throat and and difficult swallowing??thanks for reply...
after a week i made an appointment with chinese herbalist..will get back after thanks...
ok try best to make it short.....after having meal had food reaction so i puke..after vomiting i felt dryness in throat..stuck sensation feeling in throat...kept drinking water no help..i started to...