I just heard this the other day. I use to be on a low carb diet and remember now, I never use to have problems with my GERD while I was on it. I've been off it now for almost a year and guess what? I...
I don't know if it would show a postive DX or not. Fotunately my insurance covered it. Aren't all poccedures risky? Seems you are doing what you can to resolve. I don't know what to tell you. I hope...
Could be gastsritis, I had both those and esophagitis. Inflammation of the esophogus. I think gastritis may cause pain. Is it near your stomach?...
I had mine DX by an Endoscopy. They put a tube down your throat. I also have a hiatial hernia. I think your Dr is the best bet in DX your symptoms. I have to take my bra off by mid afternoon a lot of...
BTW Jocaste, I don't get heartburn with my acid reflux. I get nauseated and bloated. Then of course is the acid taste and laying down is almost impossible sometimes. Having the head of the bed up at...
I agree about eating low carb but one big problem I've found it EATING TOO MUCH. I have learned to eat often, every 2 or 3 hours. I just split my reg. meals into 2 like lunch I'll have an apple then...
I was on a low carb diet for almost 2 years and didn't have any GERD symptoms during that time. Since the first of the year I've been eating carbs and I can eat grains but I sure can't eat SUGAR! It...
Appreciate all your help!!!...
I just got some anit anxiety meds today. Will go off the coffee and sugar starting tomorrow. Can you tell me how NOT to get a headache from caffeine withdrawal??? /community/emoticons/mad.gif LOL...
Wow, thats a lot of info you want. I'll try..... 61 years old, 122#, 5;2", taking Prilosec 2x a day. Symptoms are burning in the upper stomach, acid reflux at night, tightness around bra by late...
wahijs, How can homeopathy help? I'm willing to try anything. I need to wean myself off my 2 cups of instant coffee in the morning. Even with tapering, I still get a horrendous headache so am...
Thanks Des, I will be in contact with my Dr. soon and let you all know....
What worries me right now is the meds aren't working. I've been so sick feeling and not sure what to do about it. /community/emoticons/confused.gif ...
dHi Vanessa, I've been on meds for several years....
I'm new here and hope I can find an answer from all you knowledgable people. I have had GERD for several years plus a hiatal hernia. I was put on Prilosec and doing great. In the last few months I've...