Yeah I still haven't found my culprits, but I've cut out all wheat, alcohol, caffeine/coffee, most refined sugars, citrus, mint, all the other culprits but I'll still get it on things that are...
Yeah I'd recommend getting an endoscope, it will show inflammation in the stomach lining, and if it is erosive or not. They will take a biopsy and test it for H. Pylori which causes most gastritis....
I feel ya, I have had gastritis for 3 years and gerd for longer. It freaking sucks and I am fed up with GIs just handing me a acid reflux pamphlet and prescribing me omeprozole. But yeah the only...
Just wondering out of the linx club if anyone one has had the surgery in houston and if the surgeon there was good. Thanks...
Did you ever think about the tif surgery, I am just wondering on that. The linx is sounding real good to me, my hiatal hernia is also 2cm sliding....
And are you worried about not having MRIs....
May I ask why you went with the linx. Did you have a hiatal hernia....
Yeah I am thinking about nissen fundo, but it am also just starting out my career and don't want to miss many days. So I was hoping to get back on nexium if it still works for awhile. Then get the...
Ok yeah I figured I was in my range, I just feel like I'm losing muscle weight. I work out pretty regularly and my strength has been down along with my energy. Do you think if I went back on nexium...
If PPIs and gastritis had faces I'd punch both of them. But yeah it's a stupid cycle. You get gastritis doctor puts you on PPIs to help heal it. Stomach is healed you stop taking PPIs you get rebound...
So for most people this would be a good thing for their gerd. At the beginning of the year I was 195 6'3". So i wasn't over weight and happy at my weight. Gerd was under control with 40mg nexium. Now...
Do you if it is bad to take hcl if you have gastritis with your gerd....
Raw onions are harsh on the stomach, also acidic (tomatoes on tacos or burger) and spicy food can irritate the stomach. These can cause gastritis. I've had gastritis for 3 years and I just have to...
But once your healed up you will get to drink and not have to worry about reflux or heartburn....
Has any one ever used glutamine to help heal gastritis. And how do you quit PPIs and not get gastritis. My diagnosis is small hiatal hernia and gastritis. Been like this for 3 years, nexium helped...
I think I've seen people on here say it's up there with bread and meats. Coming into your diet later in the recovery....
I have a small sliding hiatal hernia. Not sure what size doctor never told me. Would the tif surgery be better for a small one or is nf still the way to go. I am on 60mg of dexilant which keeps gerd...
What medicationp...
Well had my second endo in 3 years. Small hiatal hernia and gastritis. Same as before but no ulcer so that's good. But still prescribed 60mg of dexilant which kinda works, better than omeprozole but...
I have had bad stomach pain with the lansoprazole as a side effect. I take omeprozole which doesn't work but I'd take gerd over the stomach pain that was caused by the lansoprazole. Nexium worked...
So I've been off nexium for 2 months and on Prilosec. I've had a constant pain in my stomach for last 2 weeks and have had excess acid in mouth. I've been to dr in the last week she prescribed Zantac...
I have started using Dgls again after about 2 years of not. I believe they actually might be causing me more acid in my mouth. Anyone have bad experiences with dgls....
Dgl, aloe juice, and slippery elm is what I have tried. They kinda work for me for an hour or two for relief but I still burn up. Hiatus hernia and gastritis. I wouldn't try any acid such as hcl,or...
I also know the feeling and it is debilitating. If the Prevacid isn't working I'd try and go with nexium. Nexium 40mg is the only thing That worked for me. Also I do dgls, slippery elm, and aloe to...
Dgl, and aloe juice, and slippery elm if your going natural route. For me these seem to help very little but for some they do help. Nexium for me was the best ppi I took, I am now on Prilosec due to...
Thanks Bill, yeah been really thinking about surgery but would at least have to wait till the end of this year because of insurance reasons. But I'm worried about missing a lot of work or lifting...
I'd go with something other than Prilosec. I was on aciphex and then nexium and they worked great, but since insurance has changed had to go back to Prilosec and it just doesn't cut it. But long term...
I know there is no cure all for most of us except surgery. How much damage is actually caused by the PPIs and if people have got off then without surgery how is life after them. I always have just...
What made everybody go with the nissen instead of the tif. I am debating which or if I should get it. 24 years old, been on PPIs for 3 years. Hiatus hernia, gastritis, and small ulcer was what the...
I have switched from 40mg of nexium to 40mg of Prilosec because of my insurance changed. The Prilosec is not working and I have read that nexium is basically Prilosec just doubled. So 40 mg of nexium...
Depends, if your like most of us you become dependent on them. Then try to get off and you have acid rebound. I've been on PPIs for 4 years. They also have long term side effects of brittle bones...
Tiger balm? Hmm ok I'll try it. I just have chronic headaches that I think are side effects of Prilosec. So I hate having to take Advil or Tylenol....
What is the wait time on going back to work. I am thinking about the Tif surgery and have a job that requires heavy lifting and heavy machine work. How log did they recommend you to take off from...
Aren't those bad for the liver....
What do people take when they get headaches. Mine are probably caused by my ppi I would guess. I use to to take Advil but that's an NSAID terrible for ulcers. Now I take nothing and just deal with...
So this is my first post on here, little background about me. I am a 24 in shape strong young man. I have suffered from heartburn/Gerd since I was 16. I've taken everything and have tried everything...