Hi Pat - In response to your question - have a Stretta while a Linx is still in place is still a warning in our IFU - and is not a contraindication. You should talk to your doctor about this as it...
Dear Gilad - Regarding your questions - scarring, nerve damage and the like are common misconceptions. The idea that Stretta improves the symptoms rather than the problem is not accurate either....
To: Teeth Cleaner Wendy, They are finally getting started at UAB after going through all the hospital committees that are now required. Below is the physicians information: Benjamin Wei, M.D....
No problem Wendy - could be couple months on uab - but keep checking our stretta website physician finder it's updated daily. It is best to ask the physician how many they have done - I know dr. Lin...
Hi Wendy - Stretta doesn't have the same issue as fundoplication does with burping - but only a doctor can determine if you are the right kind of candidate for Stretta. It has shown very good success...
Hi Wendy - We are getting ready to train physicians on Stretta at UAB - but they haven't done cases yet. There are several in and around Atlanta that would be close and also in New Orleans. Most...
Hi Again Pat - Only your doctor can tell you the required time after Linx removal surgery and before Stretta. And yes Stretta has been studied in patients with LPR - 500 patient study from China -...