You are most welcome - I have to say I always felt shattered when I took Lansoprazole (it was a heavy dose) but when I switched to Nexium, felt a bit more livelier. I do wonder looking back if thats...
Hi Uhura I came across an article yesterday here in the UK, which you might be interested to read. I have posted it as a separate topic this morning link below...
I came across a very interesting article in The Times newspaper here in the UK yesterday, something I have to say I was completely unaware of - they say you learn a new thing every day! So thought...
Hi anny Jolie - please don't freak out! You might want to read my replies to Mcedge on her 13 days after fundoplication within the forum. So I am 5 weeks post op after both a para hiatus fix and a...
Hi Daxter - having had both in the UK in September my experience share would be this. Make sure that you are referred to the right person to perform the manometry and pH testing - my surgeon had a...
Hi Maria I cannot tell you how excruciating my heartburn and reflux was before my operation - to the point sometimes I had to be violently sick to get rid of the excess acid. My gastroenterologist...
Hi Maria I am so sorry to hear about your day (yesterday). I hope you got some answers from your consultant today?! It really sounds to me that your consultant has given you some very different...
Very very welcome! Good luck - let me know how it goes!...
Hi Maria I had my surgery in October and can tell you that what you were experiencing I was as well. I did have strong painkillers that I had to take for two weeks after discharge from hospital...
Hi Noelle Of course you may, and yes it was - and kept a very beady eye on recovery as well! Hope that helps! Rob...
Hi again That doesn't surprise me, I know from my investigations that waiting times once you had seen consultant to operation was 6-12 months, hence why I went private! I would certainly make contact...
Hi Noelle I do know that Mr Patel is also a NHS surgeon based out of the Chelsea and Westminster hospital is SW London if that helps! Rob...
Hi Noelle I'm really sorry but I have no idea as to what either Dr Sean Preston's or Mr Patels fee as they were covered by my health insurance policy. His secretary (equally helpful nurse...
Hi Maria I did get pains in the chest but these went quite quickly and was due to air that is blown into your stomach during the procedure and disperses during deflation into your chest area -...
Hi McEdge Thanks for reaching out - good to know there are fellow Brits out there - just wish I had found this site sooner as there is such great information and insight from our friends across the...
Hi Rod I'd recommend Mr Ameet G Patel based at the Princess Grace Hospital in London W1 he has simply been amazing and is on e of the leading specialists in reflux in the UK - I have had wonderful...
Hi Stockster So it sounds as if we were both in similar territory I had to take Nexium 40mg 3 times a day and Zantac ranitidine 300mg each night and that would sometimes do the trick and sometimes...
Hi Stockster - my surgeon who I rate very highly wanted to ensure that I made the decision not him. He wanted me to be clear as to the risks associated with having the operation, and equally with...
Thanks Rebelee I was kept in for four nights due to bloods, and my surgeon has been pretty strict in terms of liquids only for first three weeks, and now on purée and loving very soft scrambled eggs!...
Tony, Seabee, Kitt - thank you so much for your replies and information with in, it's really helped me see some of the errors and refinements I need to take at the moment. It's clear to me that here...
Hi Stu et al! You and I had our op on the same day, but think you are ahead on the food front, I'm still very much on the purée stage, finding it hard to take textures even with chewing, and like you...
Hi Laurie Really appreciate your reply and help, Rob...
Hi all I had to write after reading all of your posts and give you my experience having decided to have the surgery aged 39. I have suffered from acid reflux for over 10 years, and started om...
Hi all, am really helping you can help me with some of your sound advice - its great to find a support network. I'm a 39 year old male, based in the United Kingdom. I had a laprascopic nissens...