Yeah, he just started with a new GI who doubled some of his meds in preparation to get auth for other meds if his current ones still fail. They are different, but perhaps the experience is different...
Middle of a UC flare that has lasted just over a year. Yesterday my SO experienced severe and sudden pain. He was on his way home and did not make it home and had no control over his bowels. It was...
Ow. No seriously, ow. Nissen fundoplication 11 months ago and a large hiatal hernia repair. I can't figure out a link here. I have a sharp pain under my left rib. It started off and on about 5 days...
I'm bumping this. I've just had to leave work again. Is there any help I can get for this? A pill or something? Does this lessen over time? I'm just over two months out from my wrap....
Any suggestions? 6 weeks out from NF. Dumping syndrome pretty bad, pretty randomly. What causes it... eggs (all eggs including duck) chocolate coffee scallops super sweet stuff I avoid...
Hey! I just posted something similar before seeing this! I'm about six weeks out and THINK I might be having the same thing. It's like...
I'm about six weeks out post-op from NF. The last week or so something weird has been happening. It's like a combination of a burp, a hiccup, and an esophageal spasm all rolled into one. I can feel...
Yesterday just about everything upset my stomach after this whole mess. I went back to soup and broth today so I could get through work. Going to try fish or something tonight. Thank you!...
This morning I've had some crackers and pretzels. I was eating them in small bites to help settle my stomach. My chest freakin hurts. Like...right smack dab in the center. I can barely eat my lunch...
I can't remember if I posted here before unfortunately. I've been reading like an addict though for the last few months since I decided I wanted the fundoplication. So...after everything, my surgery...
Okay, so I'm home and hooked up! The doctor came in after everything and informed me he was only doing the Bravo as a courtesy but he is referring me to a surgeon for the nissen due to the size of my...
My husband went out and got me banana pudding and banana yogurt pops. I didn't have a whole lot of anything yesterday and I'm expected to be at the hospital at 11 am today. Not for sure how I'm...
Per docs instructions, I'm off my meds and have been tapering off the various products (dexilant, zantac, tums) for days now. As of today, I'm totally off everything in anticipation for my procedure...