A lot has happened to me in a year i had my appendix removed in march 2014 and had 2 massive infections after which then caused gastritis from all the anti biotics i was on. nearly a year later i am...
Thank you for the reply. Im waiting for another endoscopy but the doctor doesnt think it will find anything. I dont seem to get worse from any food but sometimes the gnawing pain is worse. I thinj...
Hi im 24 year old.female in march 2014 i had my appendix removed and had 2 massive infections after resulting in needin a drain and a month in hosp. In may i then had gastritis due to all anti...
Thanks its awful isn't it! Miss my life so much :( hopefully we will all get better soon and won't have to worry about this anymore! I hope so anyway....
I've had pro biotic yogurts to help. Its just so uncomfortable and I'm scared it won't ever go. I really want to eat normal again and have chocolate but I don't want to attempt to try it till I feel...
I've had gastritis now for over two months comin up to three I am Constantly in pain in my upper abdonem and can't seem to shift it. I am Currently on 30 mg of lansaprazole twice a day ranitidine...
Thanks for you kind words. Its makin me so Depreased :( every single day i have an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach and I can't seem to stop it. I'm eatin nothin but bland foods. I can't help but...
Hi how did you find it?...
Good luck!...
Why are you gettin a endoscopy?...
No gastritis doesn't run In my family I had my appendix removed three months ago and had two severe infections so was on anti biotics for five weeks so that's what they think has caused it...
And by horror stories I Mean people sayin how bad it is and its worst thing they have ever had done. But that's not the case. I read them all time About people never recovering from gastritis and it...
No I felt fine I didn't go work as I'm Off at the min with bein in pain with gastritis but trust me I'm a wimp and I promise it doesn't hurt they spray your throat with some discusting spray and then...
I have had gastritis for two Months now constantly in pain in my stomach never goes away I'm on lansaprazole at the min after taking omprazole for a month and finding no relief. I want my life back !...
Hi thank you that is reassuring. I have read pleanty of posts saying people do recover but it takes time. I've been in constant pain for nearly two months now. You have had a rocky road. I hope they...
I had it done two weeks ago and I promise its not even bad!! I was sedated and it was over in five mins. The doctor told me you swallow food larger than the tube that goes down your throat. Don't...
Hi. I'm 24 years old and about three months ago I had my appendix removed it was only inflamed but after removal I had two infections first one being that bad I had to have a drain to remove a clot...