And what's weirder is trying to explain this to a doctor or to friends/family. They just say stuff like, 'oh, so it's not that bad now', when they ask me how I'm doing in terms of my acid reflux...
strange isn't it? I mean, I'm really grateful I don't have a burning throat anymore. But I can't really say I'm getting 'better'. It's more like, my symptoms have just completely evolved and continue...
Has anyone else had their LPR symptoms drastically change over the course of a year and a half? I've had reflux for this long. At first I had a seriously scorching, burning throat 24/7. Months later,...
No, this small amount of acid/liquid into the throat/mouth especially after meals is the one thing that has refused to go away after one year of having LPR. I know it`s such a small amount, because...
hi trotters, thanks for the support. I hope your redo goes well. This LPR thing is the worst isn't it? People think it's no big deal feeling a little 'burn' after meals or having liquids come back up...
if i may ask, how long have you had LPR? and did you get surgery for it?...
I've had LPR for one year now. I used to have a terrible burning throat, but luckily that has subsided. The only time I get an irritated throat now, is after I eat or drink. And usually it only lasts...
Hmm.. thanks cagu, interesting and helpful. I also considered the possibility that I might have delayed gastric emptying, since I experience nausea (on and off), fullness, bloating, and reflux. Just...
I have had LPR for 9 months now. Anyone else have a burning throat ALL the time? Like I mean, most hours of the day? For me it's there the moment I wake up, until I go to sleep. Of course, it waxes...
Hi PrivatePrime, I know exactly what you're going through. Have similar symptoms - the sore/burning throat and tongue. The symptoms are like rollercoaster--one day they're liveable the next day,...
Hi sydneyreflux, Just wanted to wish you best of luck in your 30-day challenge. I have similar symptoms to you, and extremely interested in how this turns out for you. I'm also interested in doing a...
I also have a continuous burning throat from LPR. Isn't it awful??? Nobody quite understands how it feels, unless you have it!! I've had it for 8 months now. The first 5 months I cried every day,...
Can your GI tract ever heal from NSAID damage? I was retracing my steps, as to how I got my LPR. And for seven months leading up to it, I had been taking NSAIDs on and off (not crazy amounts..maybe...
I also have sore burning throat everyday. When my ENT doc looked at my throat with his scope, he didn't see much redness. Only a bit beside my vocal chords. Thus he told me I may not even have LPR....
It sounds awful, but sometimes deep down in my heart, I wish they had found something from that scope. Anything. A reason to explain why I have LPR. A tear in my sphincter. A weak sphincter....
I think a scope is good, in that it gives you peace of mind---it can rule out sinister pathologies i.e. Barrett's, cancer, severe esophagitis/gastritis, EE, h.pylori. In certain cases it can help...
Oh, cool. I will look into getting some alkaline iceland water from wholefoods, and purchasing the gaviscon advance. I really don't have any tips for maintaining weight, as I'm trying to figure this...
Thanks for the advice QiDoc. Can I ask what your LPR symptoms are specifically? I tried prevacid BID, for awhile, but felt really fatigued and nauseous, so switched to pantaloc magnesium once a day....
Hi, Just wondering if anyone else has similar symptoms to me, and if they have any insight on how to better manage these symptoms... I've had LPR now for 7 months. Prior to this, I was quite healthy....
Hi, I'm also 26 studying in university. I totally empathize with you. Although I haven't had LPR for my whole life (developed it 6 months ago), I understand how devastating it can be to have this...