If you have side effects or complications from the LINX device, and would like to be part of a support group please search Facebook for "LINX Complications Support Group" and request to join....
If you have complications from the LINX, and would like to share your experience and hear others' please join our support group on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1641707639437121 which...
If you have side effects or complications from the LINX, and would like to be part of a support group please search Facebook for 'LINX Complications Support Group' and request to join....
It sounds like it's a possibility that the wrap has slipped. I'd ask your doctor to rule that out as soon as possible, and in the meantime I would take a PPI for a week or so just to see if that...
It sounds like your doctor was a lot more thorough than mine, I guess that's what one should expect from Johns Hopkins. Mine did not do a scope or a barium swallow following the surgery. I have only...
A lot of what was said above is true. I have found anything that's low in fiber and fat is great for reflux such as rice, popcorn, mashed potato, quinoa, sweet potato without skin, and saltines. They...
I really hope that your Nissen has still held up. If you're burping a lot because you're swallowing (I've had that same issue), the best thing you can do in my opinion is to control the reflux as...
I do remember having that feeling where I wanted to burp but couldn't at least a few times, so it must be pretty normal. I'm really happy that you've had a good result so far, I hope that it serves...
First rule out H Pylori if you haven't already (your doctor can do that by endoscopy) and then in addition to the PPI, I'd try, Alginate Plus (on amazon), Ulcetrol, mastic gum, and DGL...
Really happy it has worked for you, I might be joining the wrapped club soon as my LINX has failed to work so far The following two supplements are what I would try for flatulence Digest Gold by...
Thanks for the reply green.orange. Sorry for my long reply below, but if you read it all, I don't think you will feel I wasted your time. I actually didn't know that the dysphagia post-LINX typically...
I actually haven't posted in the LINX Facebook group, I didn't know about it, could you perhaps provide me a link? To me, it feels like if anything I need a tightening of the LINX not a dilating. The...
Hey everyone I'm Harrison. After a failed Stretta procedure in November 2014, I had the LINX surgery performed at University of Southern California in Los Angeles by Dr Lipham four weeks ago (July...
I started PPIs three years ago without any food allergies whatsoever and over the last three years as I've eaten and been exposed to lots of high protein sources, I have developed food allergies to...